District 9



http://www.avclub.com/articles/district-9-director-neill-blomkamp,31606/ で監督のインタビューが読める。

AVC: The aliens are seemingly meant to be repulsive. They’re being victimized, but it’s difficult to empathize with them. Did you want viewers to have that gut-level reaction of revulsion toward them initially?

NB: Yeah, exactly. I thought with the aliens, you’d think, “I don’t want to sit next to that on the bus, they look insane, they look barbaric.” And then by the end of the film, you’ve done a 180 on your perception of them. And that’s why their design reflects that. They are gross. They are insect-like, which represents this sort of hive-structure society that they come from, and then they have a human sort of geometry to their face and eyes, so that at some point in the film, you can feel that there’s a sentient creature behind those eyes. So they have to have both of those two things, which is a bit of a balancing act.


2009/09/12追記: 昨日、友達に笑えるシーンもあるといわれて、ちょっと考えてみた。ユーモアもあるんだけど、全体的には苦いトーンの映画なので、どうもそれが空回りしているように感じた。笑いとダークさが有機的に結合していない感じ。映画というか、笑いに対する好みの問題なのかもしれない

District 9の元ネタになったショートフィルムをyoutubeで見つけた。